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Sound Familiar?   

You're exhausted.
You've been yo-yo dieting repeatedly,
Stuck in that same ol' cycle
Of gaining and losing the same weight.

You're always 'all in',
Or 'all out',
On track or off track. 
Not able to be consistent long term, 

You find food confusing, 
It occupies your mind, 
Causes you anxiety and guilt,
Robbing you of joy.

Your feeling a bit lost. 
Overwhelmed and confused.
Wanting to make a change.

But every previous attempt,
Didn't seem to work out.

You'll want to read on...

Get Started Right Away!

What Is Coaching?

At S25 Coaching, the focus is 'Thriving Health'. 

By taking a multi-pronged approach to health, it creates space for a deep and meaningful change, that goes well beyond the 'physical'. 

This is not about a quick fix or short term results.
It's about building a more compassionate connection with yourself, with food and your body.
Meaning that you can live a happier, more fulfilling and intentional life. 

This is about you taking back control, reclaiming your energy and becoming self led. 

Below you will find my model for coaching, alongside examples of what that would look like in practise. 

What You Get...

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What Do The

People I Work With Say?


Together we built in solid structure and routine. That gave both freedom and direction. So even with the most demanding of schedules, she achieved the results she was looking for. 


By exploring and challenging unhelpful beliefs around food and her body. Rebecca was able to find confidence, clarity and direction. No longer feeling the pressure of diet culture.


Through behaviour and mindset change, Matt's energy went through the roof.

The fittest and healthiest he has been in a long time. Dropping unwanted body fat along the way. 


Coaching completely changed her life. 

From exploring unhelpful behaviours and beliefs to learning to appreciate her body. Lorraine not only achieved her goal, but did so in a way, that allowed her to truly thrive.


We built a huge amount of knowledge around food. Meaning she could get the results she wanted, move away from tracking and maintain them long term.

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I'm Stu.  I'm a certified nutritionist, personal trainer and Master Coach. I help you thrive by:

- Breaking away from that all or nothing mindset, that is currently holding you back.  - Challenging your limiting beliefs, so you can finally achieve your full potential.

-Empowering you to take back control, equipping you with a wide range of 'tools' for when things don't quite go to plan. 

- Focusing on building 'skills' that will serve you for life, from self compassion and self awareness to emotional regulation.

- Cultivating a healthful relationship with food and yourself so that you can find freedom from dieting. 

So that you achieve your goals and feel amazing doing it.  

Book in for a chat below, or feel free to drop me a Whatsapp

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